I got my tutor report and feedback on assignment 4. This time I have more things to work on so I will start from looking on suggested artists. Unfortunately I can use only secondary sources like images from the internet, as I do not have opportunity go to the galleries where they are on display.
Milton Avery 1885-1965

Three friends 1944

Seated figure

What strikes me that in his work is the way how
In my next project, I will try to play with bold big shapes and single colours like
Mali Morris is my next artist.

flotilla 2007

Mali Morris is an abstract artist who expresses her art thought the vibrant colours and quick movement of brush or any tool that she uses. Morris' art looks untidy but when I spend more time looking at her work I become more familiar with this style. I am starting to like it and finding something peculiar and interesting.
It works well as a composition and many times it is a geometrically order. Some times the painting is crowded but sometimes it is spacious.
In my next few projects I will definitely use her expressive line with contrastive colours
Helen Frankenthaler

There is a short movie about Helen on youtube and worth to watch :

I am glad to say that I liked this artist from the first moment, her sensibility got to me straight. I didn't have to think about it, I just knew I liked it
Helen's art reminds me some sort of Japanese art in how she operates with the line and colour.
Definitely, I will use this artist as my future inspiration.
The Frankenthaler video has been removed from You Tube.