still life nr1

still life nr1

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Stage 2: The flexible approach

Stage 2: The flexible approach
part 2

I took a photo of my composition (iii) where a large single ‘empty’ area contrasted with smaller complex areas. Here we have a small lemon on the big box.

I am nearly at the end of my assignment but still behind the schedule. That makes me even more agitated and wanted to produce better work.  Stressed and excited- this is how I fell about this project now. I still have another task to do which is from Chapter 6 Composition Project 2 Geometry.

To comeback to my lemon and the box, I know that I am at the beginning as this is just a tonal sketch.  I will try to keep it as light and bright as possible.

Stage 2: The flexible approach

Stage 2: The flexible approach

On A2 size paper there is a big flower vase painted with oil paints.  Colours are bright with a big amount of toned down yellow.
The way I painted the wall area is different to the glass vase, that was a challenge for me.  I used a bigger brush for the wall with more paint on it.  For the vase I used less paint with more white spirit to make the paint layer thinner and lighter.  I also used a smaller and thinner brush for leaves and flower stems.

The flower looks warm but there is a big value contrast between the yellow wall and cold green leaves.  At the same time the yellow flowers nearly disappear into the yellow wall.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Project 3: Composition in practice

Project 3: Composition in practice

Stage 1 - using preliminary studies

The medium I used for this task was charcoal on A3 paper. 

My sketch number one is based on the description where composition has two or more horizontal or vertical lines cutting across the whole painting.

The two vertical lines which are the edges of the vase are running up the painting.  I can see many more than two vertical lines on this picture, like flower stems or a big shadow line on the left side of the page, although the two lines of the vase are the strongest ones.

The sketch number two on A3 paper shows a composition with a large single ‘empty’ area (a big box) contrasted with smaller complex areas (a lemon).  One third of the painting surface should be a simple area like a table top, a large section of floor etc.  I decided to make my composition as simple as I could.  I put a lemon on the big box and placed that in front of the window.  I placed the lemon more on the right side of the picture so it does not have to drag the eye in the middle of the page.

Project 4 – More than 1 view points Part 3

Project 4 – More than 1 view points
Stage 4
Part 3

This is the last part and my painting is finished.  I am very pleased with the result.  The colours are very bright and have got a lot of white mixed together.  I could say they are broken colours.

The first sheet of paper is full of pastel yellow and pastel green.  I finished it when the daylight was strong.  There is plenty of free space therefore an observer has time to catch the breath.

The middle part is more complicated and in this way more interesting.  I finished it during the evening with a lamp light and the shadows are strong, colours are sharper and crisper; still broken, pastel colours but the brown carpet was painted with a smooth brush which did not leave any marks.

I had a more complicated task with the plastic bottle, although I hope I captured the transparency of that object.
The paint is thick especially on the purple rug. The colours are different as I used some warm greens contrasting with cold violets. On the right side on the green rug I used different brush technique, bit more blurry to show which off the rugs is first and on the top.

Chapter 6, Stage 2 – In Colour

Stage 2 – In Colour 

1 – Rectangle one is 20cm x 15cm.  The space was divided by lines from XXXXX to XXXX.  The in the space between lines I filled with curves.  There are two colours, black and dark blue.

rectangle 1

2 – Rectangle two is very long and horizontal.  There are horizontal and vertical straight lines which divide it into smaller rectangles and squares.  This is a very interesting composition where the cadmium red rectangle in the top right corner drags attention towards it.  Then we have a cadmium yellow rectangle in the bottom middle part,  This is a great example of colour interaction, where different tones of grey work sometimes weaker when they are surrounded by warm colours.  This is what I remember from Chapter 2, project 4 “How colours affect each other”.

rectangle 2

3 – Rectangle three is quite big with lines and curves.  My selection of colours is an orange with complementary blue.  Then yellow with complementary purple.  A big variety of shapes and colours makes this rectangle very visible, however with a balanced composition.

rectangle 3

4 – Rectangle four is quite a small size with cadmium red and ultramarine, one third of the area is white.  All curves make this composition very lively and it looks like it is moving from the left side to the right.

rectangle 4

5 – Rectangle five is a compilation of lines, rectangles, triangles and squares.  There is a small circle or rectangle in each section.  The selection of different greens goes well with contrasting lemon yellow.  To balance the composition I used a big black rectangle on the right side,

rectangle 5

Overall the composition starts from the bottom left corner and carries on across the middle part of the A2 sheet.  Then straight down the right side.



Project 2 : Geometry 

Stage 1 : Hidden Geometry 

     a) 'Crucifixion ' - Andrea Mantegna

b) ' Madonna of Mercy' Pierro della Francesca

 c ) 'Birth of Venus ' Sandro Botticelli

d) 'Martyrdom of St. Sebastian ' Antonio Pollaiuolo

Stage 2: A Geometric Grid


composition 2

composition 3

Saturday 9 April 2011

project 2- painting 3

I finished this painting on a very sunny day. The day light was interacting with the outside colours, therefore there is a big contrast between inside tones and outside. This is a great example of the influence the daylight has on the colours, when everything is so vivid and visibly bright.
The composition is from one point of view open as we have an open window but there are frames from all four sides. I designed this painting in the way to expose the difference between sun light and didn't want to focus on the inside items therefore there is a limited amount of information about the inside. 
I left big brush strokes to expose a light inside on the wall.  To make even more bright and visible the day light I used a spatula to put white paint on the window sill. 

Monday 4 April 2011

Chapter 6: Composition

Chapter 6: Composition
Project 1: The dynamics of the rectangle
Stage 2 – Black & White


1 – Rectangle one is one of the biggest on the A3 sheet.  Inside of it are small dots, filling up the space.  The composition in that one has been designed to draw attention to the top left corner.  I have done this by playing with the spaces between the dots to create movement in the rectangle.
rectangle 2

2 – Rectangle number two is divided with lines in a vertical way.  I placed my first line just about in the middle of the rectangle and then added some lines on the opposite sides.  I hope I achieved the visual balance and there is a three-dimensional effect.

rectangle 3

3 – Rectangle three with the straight lines that run vertically across from one side to another.  The space between each one is filled with small curves, which give a well balanced effect.  I think I have achieved this visual ‘trick’ as it looks like a curved piece of corrugated cardboard.

rectangle 4

4 – Rectangle four: there are lines across from left to right and the gaps between them are filled with curves.  Some curves are painted with black ink, but most of these black parts are not touching each other.  The composition is well balanced but not too symmetrical.

square 5

5 – Square five is a compilation of all possibilities from all four previous rectangles.  My lines go from one side to another across the space.  Then we have some curves, big and small.  I decided to paint a few big shapes with black ink, then some small lines and dots to make this square more interesting.  We have a selection of sharp shapes and smooth curves.  This keeps the square dynamic as there is no symmetry.

Overall the A3 sheet looks spacious as I tried not to place any of my rectangles in the middle of it.  The empty space in the middle is planned and the dots in my first rectangle are supposed to draw the eye to them.  None of my five rectangles are touching each other.  In my opinion this is a composition starting from the top left corner then going down to the bottom left part and then following the black triangle sections of square five up continuously to the top-right part.  Another movement is from the top right going down until rectangle two and finally right off the page.

part 2



Part 2
At this stage of my work, the colours are not specified yet.
 Some parts are still white and not painted. This is still an early stage where everything can go in a different direction.  So far, my basic colours do not show the potential of my project.  Even the shapes are not specified yet, still flying above the floor.  However, it is all being improved with every step.