still life nr1

still life nr1

Thursday 24 February 2011

Extending the View

Project 1
Drawing my Home :
4 drawings ( from one room into another)



drawing 2

drawing 3


 drawing 4



Chapter 5: Extending the view
Project 1: Some different views

Drawings one and two are similar as I was standing in the same place.  The first is less precise.  The light is softer and doesn’t have such a big contrast between the shadows.  But I did them at different times of the day, so the shadows are in different parts of the room.  I used charcoal as my source.  My composition in both of them is open from the bottom but closed on the other sides of the drawings.  The ceiling is so high that it makes an impression of being very heavy, like it is going to fall down.  I know I could work on lines to make them straighter.

Drawing 3: into the room – This is a sketch of space from one room into another.  The composition is open from the bottom half of the drawings and closed from the rest of it.  There is a contrast between the dark door and the floor where the light makes the space softer.  Again charcoal makes an easy way to show the difference between light and shadow.

Drawing 4 is completely opposite to number 3, as the light comes from all sides.  I was standing in one room looking into two others with windows.  That gave me less chance to show contrast between spaces as at the end there is no shadow at all.
3 drawings ( out from a room through a window, or open door, to a wider vista)

drawing 5           

drawing 6

drawing 7

Drawing 5: from a room outside – On that drawing, I focused on the light between small objects on the first part of this drawing like an apple, a lemon a soda bottle and a vase with brushes inside, to show the distance between the inside and outside.  The light inside is darker whereas the outside is softer which makes all the shapes less visible.  The composition of that drawing is open, open through the window and the bottom-right corner proves this as well.

Drawing 6 is more focused on the outside world rather than the inside.  There is a big difference between the left side and the right one.  Only the left shows light and shadows.  Just like on the previous drawing, the inside light is sharper and crisper than outside, where all shapes are more blurry and look softer.

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